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The 3rd Bn, 506th, pictured above, marched 138 miles from Atlanta, GA to Ft Benning, in late 1942. To this day, 3rd Bn survivors can be heard complaining that they went 18 miles farther than their counterparts in 2d Bn, who 'only' went 120 miles, from Camp Toccoa, Ga to Atlanta. It all began when Captain Graham of 'G' Co., 3rd Bn. decided to march his men back 50 miles from the Clemson, S.C. rifle range, to Toccoa, GA. When LTC Strayer saw this, he said "My Battalion can march more than twice that far!" (First Battalion departed for Ft Benning by train, too soon to be part of this contest). Strayer took his 2nd Bn the 120 miles to Atlanta. Then LTC Wolverton had to top that, so he took 3rd Bn. 138 miles from Atlanta to Benning. A photo of G/506th entering the gates at Toccoa from their Clemson march can be seen at the bottom left of page 15 of the new special issue of WW2 magazine devoted to Band of Brothers. Captain Graham can be seen at left front and 1st Sgt Woodrow Smith at right front as you view the photo. According to Jim "Pee Wee" Martin of G/506th the photo is slightly mis-identified in the magazine. 1st battalion was also lucky in pre D-Day England, standing ground inspection for Churchill and Ike as the other 2 battalions made a demonstation jump. Thanks to friend Jim Martin (who is also mis identified as "John Pee Wee Martin" on page 69 of the same issue), for clarifying the origins of the long marches by 2nd and 3rd battalions.
Links not sorted in any particular order
505 Pathfinders
One of the better sites from a superior reenactment group
The Great Plains Society of Military Historians
Middle-American reenactment group who does Item Company of the 506th
Chip Cifone's celebration of the achievements of the WW2 Widowmakers.
Last First
Devoted to Layton Black's tale of WW2 fighting with Company 'C', 502 PIR
Letters From the War
Historian/tour guide Carlton Joyce's info on battle areas.
Diving Eagles
Greg Way's German Paratrooper history site.
Battle at Best
Tom Peeters' Dutch website details 101st
Airborne actions in Market-Garden
Scholarly studies of battle actions in the Normandy campaign.
German Armed Forces in World War II
Jason Pipe's factual resources on all branches of the Wehrmacht.
Howard Swonger's site devoted to H.O.W. history- 2D AD helped the 101st at Carentan.
Jon Gawne's resource on WWII history, books, movies, and reinactment information.
WWII Impressions
Juan Gonzales's online store for World War II GI reinactor uniforms and accoutrements.
Under the Wing
New Jersey 506th Reinactment site.
Stone and Stone World War II Military Books Review
Bill Stone's guide to recent vintage WWII literature.
Dick Kos
Source for "D" ring helmets for the reinactors
WW2 Battlefield Relics
Illustrated site depicting artifacts recently unearthed on European battlefields.
E/506 company
Website devoted to the history and personnel of the Band of Brothers company.
US Army Personnel buried at Arlington Cemetery
WW2 American Orphan's Network-contains some fine biographies of 506th personnel killed in action.
502/327 Reinactor Site
Honor Roll of Americans KIA in ETO
Info on American KIAs still buried in European locations.
Airborne Alliance website
Site devoted to Reenactors in Europe who jump to honor the WW2 US Ariborne.
Roger Day's Site
This is Roger Day's site-Ramsbury, England was home to the
437th TCG and part of the 506th PIR
An E/Co. 506 re enactment groups
Info on reunions and news about WW2 members of the 501 PIR
The 505th PIR
Homepage ABHS Home of the "Panthers"
New site dedicated to the 505 PIR, 82nd ABD
504th WWII Home Page
Outstanding collection of photos and historic info on the 504 PIR
Albert W. Mitchell
D-Day - Normandie 44 : Etat des Lieux
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